
Loopers is an exciting as well as a thrilling action movie which is casted by two famous actors, Bruce Willis and Joseph Gordon Levitt. The story starts out with Joe, a gun-for-hire called a looper who kills criminals dispatched from 30 years into the future. His life of crime has given him the opportunity to indulge in selfish pleasures such as sex, drugs and money. All loopers, however, must kill their future selves to "close the loop," and Joe's older self escapes. Joe then learns that his older self is trying to kill one of three children who could possibly be a crime lord in the future. While he waits for the older Joe, the younger Joe finds a family farm with one of the three kids, and ends up with the joint duty of protecting the family and killing his future self. The technology and special effects used in this movie has successfully captivated our eyes. It’s a smart and sexy futuristic crime thriller that will be remembered for generations to come.

Ratings – 9/10

Pros – unique story line
Cons – quite gory, so not really suitable for children to watch

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The Avengers

Superhero fanboys and fangirls all over the world will by psyched by this movie: Marvel’s “The Avengers” released in the big screen not too long ago. This movie is unlike other superhero movies simply because of one thing, the appearance of multiple superheroes fighting together against the villains to save the world. Superheroes who made their appearance in this movie are Ironman, Captain America, The Incredible Hulk, Black Widow, Thor, and Hawkeye, assembled together as a team called the Avengers Initiative by Nick Fury to stop Loki, Thor's half-brother's plan to invade the earth. Not to mention, all superheroes and Loki feature top of the list movie actors such as Robert Downey Jr. and Scarlett Johansson. All those heroes combined together? We're talking about some serious power here.

While this movie is very entertaining in terms of the action, it is also humorous and funny. Some scenes in this movie just made the whole cinema theatre burst into laughter. High-octane superhero action meet funny wacky moments and impressive special computer effects and graphics? Marvel’s The Avengers easily scored high in many movie reviews all over the net, and the story here is just the same as pretty much anywhere else.

Rating – 8/10

Pros – Exciting fighting action, Funny scenes, Good computer graphics and special effects.

Cons – May have been better if including relevant villain to each superhero such as Abomination to Hulk and Whiplash to Ironman

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Step Up 4 Miami Heat

Step up 4: Miami Heat is the right movie for those of you who love drama, especially dancing. It is the continuation of the previous step up collections, this time with a more inspiring, energetic and brilliant choreographies, plus the new actors Kathryn McCormick and Ryan Guzman, including some people from the show of So You Think You Can Dance. Although, the storyline is just so-so, the flash mob choreos, settings of the place in Miami and the songs were catchy and amazing. Mild language and social drinking happened often in the movie, but other than that, this movie was pretty clean and suitable enough for young children to watch. I personally love the way they dance like a robot, I think its really awesome that some people can actually do it. Overall, the movie is entertaining enough.

Ratings – 6.5/10

Pros – great choreography

Cons – just a satisfactory story line

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The Notebook

The Notebook is another love story where the objective of the movie is to show that love can lasts forever. It shows a sweet depiction of two people from different social classes falling in love. They break up though they are still in love and your heart breaks along with theirs. Then the story becomes about their journey to find someone else they can love or to find each other again. It contain blends of happy and sad moments, so we would suggest you to prepare a tissue box J. In my opinion, Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams were both quite matching enough to play their respective roles and I love the part of their scene where Ryan took Rachel to see swans on the lakes and end up kissing in the rain. I think that is the sweetest part in any romantic movie. Plus, the movie also shows how vintage people dress up, and helps me to follow their fashion sense as well.

Ratings – 7/10

Pros – good setting of the movie
Cons – contain quite a lot of adult content

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Shutter Island

Shutter Island is a movie directed by the famous Martin Scorsese, and is also stars Leonardo DiCaprio as the lead main actor. Shutter Island is known to be an island just off the Boston harbours which house Ashecliffe Hospital, a mental hospital for the criminally insane people. This movie is quite intensifying to watch as it features a creepy setting, and sometimes it took place in a dark and mysterious type of place which add up to the tension. The scary feeling you get from watching this ios defferent compared when watching a horror movie, and this sense of curiousity is what makes the audience wonder what would happen next. Shutter island also have a twist in the ending which renders most of the audience to question what is the true ending of the movie. I will not mention of what the meaning of the ending is, as it might spoil you, the reader, if you have not watch the movie.
Ratings – 7/10

Pros – great storyline and unexpected ending

Cons – the setting only took place at one spot

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The Artist

Here’s another movie we would like to dedicate to all you reviewers to watch. The Artist, a silent yet entertaining and delightful masterpiece which we guarantee that you’ll have fun. The movie focuses on characters' gestures and expressions, the musical score, and occasional title cards to tell its story of fame, fortune, and friendship. But We can all appreciate that this movie is exquisitely done. With a lovely story, sensational actors (Berenice Bejo, Jean Dujardin), and beautiful choreography. You’ll laugh, or maybe cry. But most importantly, you will be entertained! In my opinion, with no sound and black and white screen, the movie shows the uniqueness and it seems like you’re coming back to the vintage era, the choreography they show was fabulous and very much lively. Overall, the movie is upbeat and suitable for any age, especially to those who are passionate about cinema, it’s a must-see.

Ratings – 8.5/10

Pros – Perfection in every scenes
Cons – Some people might not fully understand each and every scene as it is a silent movie.

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Urban Legends (1998)

For those who loves thriller, this is the perfect movie for you. Urban legends, a classic horror movie released in 1998, is a story of an anonymous killer wandering on campus using a bunch of urban legends myths to murder college students. It is guaranteed to give you chills on the spine as it shows an intense and emotionally convulsive scene. Actors in this movie include Alicia Witt, Rebecca Gayheart and many more. What I like about this movie is that it shows a good scares, plot and gore to satisfy any horror fans. I would recommend it for teens who are legally enough to watch these types of movies due to graphic violence, language and adult content. Overall, the movie is reprehensible and quite endearing. You might also want to check out other related urban legend movie collections such as the Urban legends: The final Cut, Urban legends: Bloody Mary. 

Ratings – 7/10

Pros – Great suspense and plot
Cons – Not suitable for underages

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500 Days of Summer

500 Days of Summer is an American drama movie where it consists of several characters, Joseph Gordon Levitt (Tom) and Zooey Deschanel (Summer) being the two main characters where they became couples. The film is really refreshing nowadays as it portrays a relationship that is more realistic and less cliché compared to most other movies. It’s funny, unique and true to life. Well it seems to me like that because both the couples seems to be silly at times, because it’s an unusual love story, there’s something more than your usual romantic comedy. It could be because of the exquisite music or its beautiful cinematography. And its true to life as well because the movie taught you a lesson that everyone you meet along the way, whether just passing through or sticking around for awhile, has a purpose. In the end nothing lasts forever, relationships begin, relationships end.

Ratings – 9/10

Pros Рrealistic and less clich̩ story
Cons – too much talking

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The Expendables 2

The Expendables is an action filled movie with an impressive list of actors well known for starring in multiple action movies. Actors like Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Steve Austin, and many more. The movie premiered in 2010. This year however, the sequel of the movie is launching, The Expendables 2. It is starred with even more A-list Hollywood actors such as, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Chuck Norris, Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and still many others big Hollywood stars.
In this 2nd movie, the main storyline is about Barney (Stallone), being sent for a job by the CIA to retrieve a certain item from a crashed Soviet Union plane. But things turns bad, which got one of the team member, held hostage and later killed. He and his team track the villain, The Sangs down in order to get their revenge.

Rating - 7/10
Pros - Features top-quality actors
Cons - Emphasis on action scenes and pretty much nothing else

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Greetings Everyone!

Welcome to our Movie Review Blog! We are students from Macquarie University who created this blog as part of our isys100 assignment. Since we are big movie fans, we have thought of creating this topic. This blog will feature pictures, movie trailers, information and personal reviews, including ratings in regards of the movie that we have watched. The objective of this blog is to guide and provide you with more information about the movie that you might consider to watch, and it also recommends whether it’s good or bad. The movies are sorted from the old to the newest, and will going to cover mostly of these three following genres, which are dramas, thriller and action. So feel free to take a look at our posts, hope you’ll find our reviews pretty much helpful. Enjoy!

And by the way, below is a picture roughly of what our blog looks like. =D

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