500 Days of Summer

500 Days of Summer is an American drama movie where it consists of several characters, Joseph Gordon Levitt (Tom) and Zooey Deschanel (Summer) being the two main characters where they became couples. The film is really refreshing nowadays as it portrays a relationship that is more realistic and less cliché compared to most other movies. It’s funny, unique and true to life. Well it seems to me like that because both the couples seems to be silly at times, because it’s an unusual love story, there’s something more than your usual romantic comedy. It could be because of the exquisite music or its beautiful cinematography. And its true to life as well because the movie taught you a lesson that everyone you meet along the way, whether just passing through or sticking around for awhile, has a purpose. In the end nothing lasts forever, relationships begin, relationships end.

Ratings – 9/10

Pros Рrealistic and less clich̩ story
Cons – too much talking

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