
Loopers is an exciting as well as a thrilling action movie which is casted by two famous actors, Bruce Willis and Joseph Gordon Levitt. The story starts out with Joe, a gun-for-hire called a looper who kills criminals dispatched from 30 years into the future. His life of crime has given him the opportunity to indulge in selfish pleasures such as sex, drugs and money. All loopers, however, must kill their future selves to "close the loop," and Joe's older self escapes. Joe then learns that his older self is trying to kill one of three children who could possibly be a crime lord in the future. While he waits for the older Joe, the younger Joe finds a family farm with one of the three kids, and ends up with the joint duty of protecting the family and killing his future self. The technology and special effects used in this movie has successfully captivated our eyes. It’s a smart and sexy futuristic crime thriller that will be remembered for generations to come.

Ratings – 9/10

Pros – unique story line
Cons – quite gory, so not really suitable for children to watch

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